Hi all,
This is too bad that udunits is not backward compatible. I vote for CF
to recommend using the latest available udunits library.
Best regards,
On 03-Mar-10 7:10 AM, Andrew Clegg wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm running into some problems regarding units in CF-compliant files.
> Up until now I've been using udunits 1 to check units, but I recently
> tried the CF checker which uses udunits2. There are some unit strings
> which are valid in one but not the other. In particular, I am dealing
> with milligrams per cubic meter. In udunits1, I used 'ukg m^-3', which
> udunits2 rejects as invalid. udunits2 accepts 'mg m^-3' (which is much
> better!), but udunits1 interprets this as to do with gravity. Because
> of this, I can't include a unit string which is generally compatible
> with udunits...
> I would guess that udunits2 is the preferred option, given that
> udunits1 is deprecated. Should the CF conventions be updated to
> specify udunits 2?
> Cheers,
> Andrew Clegg
> Plymouth Marine Laboratory
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