The "CF2" people will meet again in Boulder this summer to consider
and refine draft proposals intended offer CF-like conventions that
can incorporate extended (non-classic) netCDF features, as well as
some innovative extensions that could be purely CF-1.x compatible.
This message announces the availability for comment of the first
draft of such an extension, currently known as "CF2-Group", that
defines best practices for incorporating hierarchical group structures
in datasets. Please browse through the CF2-Group draft:
There is a possibly controversial proposed extension to CF1 Feature
types/DSGs discussed in use case #3. Comments are welcome as both
"google doc comments", and also as direct edits to the document
(please use courtesy and highlight your proposed changes in one
color and the original text in another).
I think it would be most productive if comments were
placed on the document where we can attempt to address them.
Please do not comment on the CF2-Group extension on this list.
We'll see how it goes...
Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(
Received on Sat Jun 24 2017 - 19:10:43 BST