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[CF-metadata] chlorophyll units

From: Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 09:35:07 +0000

Dear Anna

I think the problem is that udunits thinks g is a unit of acceleration!
However, it will accept gram and milligram, so you could try that instead.

$ udunits
You have: g
You want: m s-2
    <m s-2> = <g>*9.80665
    <m s-2> = <g>/0.101972
You have: milligram
You want: kg
    <kg> = <milligram>*1e-06
    <kg> = <milligram>/1e+06


Received on Tue Mar 24 2009 - 03:35:07 GMT

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