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[CF-metadata] Ocean sigma coordinate

From: Stephane TAROT <Stephane.Tarot>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 13:28:11 +0200

Dear all,

For a french project of coastal oceanography (Previmer :
http://www.previmer.org/en), I have to define
a netcdf file format for our gridded products (in fact, that format
exists, but needs to be improved). Of
course, I want it to be compliant with CF1.3.

I have a problem with some data with dimensionless vertical coordinates.
The model (called MARS) is
using an ocean sigma coordinate which defnition is :
sigma = (z + depth)/(eta + depth)

This is different from the definition of the CF ocean_sigme_coordinate
(appendix D.6) :
z = eta + sigma(depth + eta) or sigma=(z - eta)/(eta + depth)

In our case, at the sea surface (z=eta) sigma=1, and at the sea floor
(z=-depth) sigma=0.
In the CF case, at the sea surface (z=eta) sigma=0, and at the sea floor
(z=-depth) sigma=-1.

How can I deal with that ?

Thanks for your help

Stephane Tarot
Received on Fri Oct 10 2008 - 05:28:11 BST

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