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[CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #8: Identifying horizontal coordinate variables using the axis attribute

From: Dominic Lowe <d.lowe>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 11:29:29 +0000


I'm an occasional reader of this list. I appreciate this ticket has now closed
but I've just read the archive and I am very interested as to why this
discussion has been limited to identifying only horizontal coordinate
variables, and does not include the identification of vertical coordinate
variables (Z).

It strikes me this would be very useful and would require minimal overhead to
add to the recommendation.

Is there any obvious (or otherwise) reason why an axis attribute should not be
required for all vertical coordinate variables?

Apologies for replying off-Trac, but I don't think I'm registered on the CF
system (I'm happy to register if that helps).


Dominic Lowe

British Atmospheric Data Centre

On Friday 30 November 2007 08:33, Jonathan Gregory wrote:
> #8: Identifying horizontal coordinate variables using the axis attribute
> -----------------------------+---------------------------------------------
>- Reporter: jonathan | Owner: cf-conventions at lists.llnl.gov
> Type: enhancement | Status: reopened
> Priority: medium | Milestone:
> Component: cf-conventions | Version:
> Resolution: | Keywords: coordinate-variables, axis,
> horizontal
> -----------------------------+---------------------------------------------
>- Changes (by jonathan):
> * status: closed => reopened
> * resolution: fixed =>
> Comment:
> This proposal was agreed before we had decided the present rules for
> making changes, which require that necessary changes to the conformance
> document should also have been included as part of the proposal. Therefore
> I am reopening the ticket now in order to add this information. There is
> no change to the proposal itself. I propose that, if no-one objects, in
> three weeks' time the ticket should be closed again and the proposed
> changes made to the CF standard and conformance document. This will be the
> first substantive change to the documents under the new governance system.
> In the CF conformance document:
> * Add to 4 "Coordinate Types". Requirement. The axis attribute is not
> allowed for auxiliary coordinate variables.
> * Add to 5 "Coordinate Systems". Recommendation. All horizontal
> coordinate variables (in the Unidata sense) should have an axis attribute.
> Jonathan
Received on Fri Nov 30 2007 - 04:29:29 GMT

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