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[CF-metadata] gaussian grid

From: Frederique Blanc <fblanc>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 09:20:09 +0200

Dear all,

Within Mersea project (http://www.mersea.eu.org) and more specifically for
remote sensing issues, we are currently working on how to do a standard
record for a non regular grid data format, that is a gaussian geographical
grid or equal area grid or regular in kilometers.

Could you educate me on actual status for this type of grid (wished in
nectcdf format + CF convention + solving performance issues, large data
sets) or were to read the information.
Finally will you know if visualisation tools on internet like LAS,a
MapServer (or others ?) will work on them .

Thank you for your answer

Frederique Blanc

CLS, Direction Oc?anographie Spatiale
D?partement Produits et Services
8-10 rue Hermes,
31526 Ramonville-St-Agne, Cedex, France

Email: blanc at cls.fr
Tel: (+33) (0) 561 394 768
Fax: (+33) (0) 561 393 782
Received on Tue Aug 23 2005 - 01:20:09 BST

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