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[CF-metadata] NASA data standards

From: Karl Taylor <taylor13>
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2005 10:34:00 -0800

Dear all,

I was sent the following email, and am uncertain whether this is
relevant or not. The P.S. at the end seems to invite nominations for
community standards. Anyone familiar enough with this to know if that
would be worthwhile?

Karl Taylor

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Spg-announce] DAP2 recommended as NASA "Draft Community Standard"
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 12:41:31 -0500
From: Richard Ullman <Richard.E.Ullman at nasa.gov>
Reply-To: Richard Ullman <Richard.E.Ullman at nasa.gov>
To: spg-announce at lennier.gsfc.nasa.gov


The Earth Science Data Systems Standards Process is just about a year
old now and I think we are making a positive influence on how NASA
Earth Science Data Systems will evolve. The process is a real change
in the way that we think about choosing standards. Rather than
choosing by a committee of experts, we are pulling practices from
communities of users. We've received a lot encouragement in this
approach. In particular, we've had a tremendous response to our
first "request for comment", the DAP(Data Access Protocol)!

According to our process, we review two different aspects of any
proposed standard. In the first round we sought to discover whether
the specification could be implemented. We had 19 direct written
responses. Most respondents were enthusiastic about the idea of DAP
being a community standard for NASA data transport. From these
responses we determined that many projects have successfully
implemented the DAP. We think this can be a significant step in
making NASA data more generally available to science and applications.

Before recommending that it be endorsed it as a community standard,
we want to know about the DAP in operation. In this second round
review we seek to discover how systems operators or end users
experience the standard in use. Does it perform well enough for real
world users? Does it enhance, or impede the use of data? Is care of
the software or of the data flows an operational burden? If NASA were
to expand use of DAP for serving NASA acquired data, how would that
affect use or access to the data?

The popular response from our first round invitation gives us a good
feeling about DAP. If you have experience as a user or an operator
of a DAP-enabled system, we ask you to please comment on your
experiences. Send your comments to
mailto:ese-rfc-004 at spg.gsfc.nasa.gov

-Rich Ullman

P.S. If there are any practices that work within your project, or
especially when interacting with other science or application
projects, that ,if more broadly adopted, would improve data interuse
or interoperability of NASA data, the SPG invites you to propose them
as community standards! The ideas must have potential for community

- - - -

The DAP RFC and supporting information: http://spg.gsfc.nasa.gov/rfc/004/

- - - -
About the Standards Process Group (SPG)

NASA's Earth Science Data Systems SPG is a standards endorsement
committee. The committee does not develop standards, but rather
facilitates a process by which communities of practice may comment on
techniques or technologies that, if more broadly adopted within NASA
would best facilitate data interoperability, interchange or interuse.
More information is available from

Richard E. Ullman
Goddard Space Flight Center
richard.e.ullman at nasa.gov
+1 301 614-5228
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