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[CF-metadata] TR: normalized_radar_backscatter_coefficient

From: Lauret Olivier <olauret>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 17:11:12 +0200

Hi all,


Just forwarding you some discussion we have with J. Niedfeldt about some standard name for sigma naught variable. I thought the available "surface_backwards_scattering_coefficient_of_radar_wave" could be used considering some changes in the definition [in short I wish we could mix the description of sigma naught from radar altimetry with the one from scatterometers]. But it seems that the quantities are different enough to introduce a new standard name (see the message below).


Can we introduce 'normalized_radar_backscatter_coefficient' in CF?






De : Niedfeldt, John C (398M-Affiliate) [mailto:John.C.Niedfeldt at jpl.nasa.gov]
Envoy? : jeudi 29 mai 2014 21:26
? : Lauret Olivier
Objet : normalized_radar_backscatter_coefficient


Dear Mr. Olivier,

After discussion with Dr. David Long of BYU and reviewing the current definition with him it was determined that we do in fact need a new variable. In microwave remote sensing the normalized radar cross section, sigma naught, is always produced from one angle of incidence and from one wavelength. I understand the desire to consolidate the number of standard names and to not have duplication, but adding this standard name would reduce confusion and error for many I believe. It is also general enough that we can add attributes to it in the future to allow further specification for various endeavors. If you have any more questions feel free to contact me and thank you again for your assistance. We changed the standard_name to be more descriptive.






normalized_radar_backscatter_coefficient is also called the normalized radar cross section, which are commonly used in the microwave remote sensing community.


Canonical Units:





John Niedfeldt


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