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[CF-metadata] Towards recognizing and exploiting hierarchical groups

From: Charlie Zender <zender>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:27:58 -0700

Hi Martin,

Interesting point of view.

Le 18/09/2013 09:43, Schultz, Martin a ?crit :
> Dear all,
> maybe we should rephrase the question behind this discussion: How can hierarchies and/or groups be implemented without breaking CF?

CF datasets can certainly be aggregated without loss of information.
Pure container view. Done by NCO ncecat now.
The "problem" is that resulting file is not CF-compliant.
It is instead constituted of groups that are individually CF-compliant.
Some tools may handle this so it makes no difference to the users of
those tools.
Other tools can't, but could, with tools, dismember the hierarchy
into CF-compliant files for further analysis.
This is basically the same as gzipping a file and CF need not care.

> More specifically, it seems that we should care about not breaking CF when the suitcases are packed or unpacked. It would be a nightmare if anyone or any interoperable application would have to re-build CF compliance every time the hierarchies are introduced or flattened out.


> Unless I am mistaken here this would mean that CF should be "group aware" without necessarily having to support hierarchies or groups as a concept. Would this be a compromise to work on?

A sufficient amount of flat-file metadata can always represent a
hierarchy. It's certainly a compromise. And I think flat-file
CF conventions for an "ensemble" type would be a useful
improvement to current CF.


> Cheers,
> Martin
>> Thus far all that have been put on display seem to be counter-examples(*): [...]
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Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(
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