2020 CF Workshop

Executive summary

The 2020 CF Workshop took place virtually on 9-11 June 2020. The meeting ran for 3 hours on each day, 16:00 to 19:00 UTC, and was followed by a short purely social time for those who could and wanted to stay on. There was a high level of interest from the CF community, with 132 people registering from 15 countries (mainly from the Americas and Europe), and 65 to 90 people attending each day.

The workshop had three main themes: goverance, tools, and current enhancement proposals.

The goverance sesssions (3.5 hours) covered standard names, recent changes to goverance procedures and the CF committees, the use of GitHub as the primary repository for CF and a review of recent and upcoming changes to the conventions.

The tools session (1 hour) comprised demonstrations of three generic tools that could be useful to the CF community - two CF checkers and a reference implementation of the CF data model. This was a new addition to recent annual meetings, and one that will surely be repeated.

The current enhancement proposals sessions (3.75 hours) were devoted to eight breakout discussions, with four occuring in parallel on each of two days. Seven of the sessions focussed on furthering the progress of an open enhancement proposals in the GithUb issue tracker, with the other session devoted to a general discussion on standard names.

The meeting finished with an overview (0.75 hours) of the topics covered, and highlighing points raised during the workshop. Actions resulting from this meeting are tracked in a dedicated board.

Thanks for their support is extended to to:


This document provides a brief summary of each topic discussed.

This document presents the questions and discussion that took place during the meeting in full.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020 - Governance

16:00 UTC - Welcome and Introductions (David Hassell) - Presentation

16:15 - CF Standard Names (Alison Pamment) - Presentation

17:30 - Governance (Ethan Davis) - Presentation

18:15 - Process Demo and Q&A (Daniel Lee) - Presentation

19:00 - Adjourn to Virtual Social Hour

Wednesday, 10 June 2020 - Update, Road map, Tools, Current Enhancement Proposals

16:00 UTC - Road map: CF 1.8, CF 1.9, and Onward (David Hassell) - Presentation

16:30 - Software Tools and keeping up to date with CF (Kevin O’Brien, Robert Fratantonio, Rosalyn Hatcher, David Hassell) - Session summary

17:30 - Breakouts for Current Discussion Topics

19:00 - Adjourn to Virtual Social Hour

Thursday, 11 June 2020 - Current Enhancement Proposals, Wrap-up and Conclusions

16:00 UTC - Breakouts for Current Discussion Topics

17:30 - Report out from Breakouts

18:15 - Wrap-up and Conclusions (Antonio Cofiño) - Presentation

19:00 - Adjourn to Virtual Social Hour

The organising committee

Jim Biard, Dave Blodgett, Kevin O’Brien, Antonio Cofiño, Ethan Davis, David Hassell, Jessica Hausman, Aleksandar Jelenak, Daniel Lee, Jonathan Yu (ELLIE FISHER TEST)