2024 CF Workshop

The 2024 CF workshop was held at SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden (and online) from Tuesday 17th to Friday 20th September 2024. Further practical information about the workshop from the host institution can be found at the SMHI CF Workshop page.

The meeting was divided into two parts:

During Part I, speakers were invited from a broad range of CF users and potential users, for example, representatives of data producers and data archives in the earth system sciences, the health and biological research communities. Part 2 followed the familiar format of our usual annual meeting.

The aim of the workshop was to maximise the usefulness of CF to a wide range of communities, encourage others to join and contribute to the CF community effort, and enhance interoperability with other widely used standards. The desired outcome following the workshop will be a publication of the proceedings, including a roadmap for development of the CF conventions and vocabularies over the next 1 to 5 years.

Group photo outside SMHI Group photo outside dinner venue


A total of 78 participants registered for the workshop, with around 25-30 of these attending on-site. A breakdown of this information is shown in the following graph; ‘Europe’ refers to those representing a European organisation such as ECMWF, EUMETSAT or EMODnet.

Attendee summary table by country

A range of organisations were represented within the workshop: the affiliations of the presenters can be found underneath the agenda.


All the presentations and notes for the plenary and breakout sessions will be available in this Google Drive folder.

The presentations from speakers in Part I are available on the CF Metadata Conventions Zenodo repository.


In the first part each session began with 1-2 short (10 - 15 min each) keynote presentations to set the scene for the conversation. In addition, 1-2 brief “lightning talks” (5 min each) were given to highlight a particular perspective relevant to the conversation.

For the second part the agenda included a mixture of breakout group discussions and hands-on hackathons.

 Time   Session   Speakers 

 CEST (UTC+2) 

Tuesday, 17 September
  8:00 -  9:30   Registration    
  9:30 - 10:30   Opening session   Lars Bärring: Welcome, practicalities, format/structure/expectations of meeting
 David Hassell: Setting the scene – overview of CF
 10:30 - 11:00   Break    
 11:00 - 12:00   Vocabularies   Chair: Alison Pamment 
Keynote: Gwen Moncoiffe: CF Standard Names as a global semantic resource
Lightning talk: Liqing Jiang: Vocabulary needs of the ocean carbon and acidification community
 12:00 - 13:00   Units   Chair: Alison Pamment 
Keynote: Stuart Chalk (virtual): Digital Units of Measurement: The Digital SI and Interoperable Units
Keynote: Chris Little (virtual): OGC Temporal Domain Working Group Activities
 13:00 - 14:00   Lunch    
 14:00 - 15:30   Uncertainty   Chair: Antonio Cofiño 
Keynote: Charlotte Pascoe (virtual): Communicating (and understanding) uncertainty through the value chain
Keynote: David Huard (virtual): Metadata Pipelines in IPCC Assessment Reports
 15:30 - 16:00   Break    
 16:00 - 17:30   Metadata for describing 
 statistical processing 
 Chair: Lars Bärring 
Keynote: Christian Pagé: Metadata Challenges to properly address provenance in climate indices
Keynote: José Manuel Gutiérrez Llorente (virtual): Provenance for (complex) climate products: The experience from the IPCC Interactive Atlas
Lightning talk: Thomas Martin: Capturing provenance for ML

 CEST (UTC+2) 

Wednesday, 18 September 
  9:00 - 10:30   Metadata requirements for 
 new technologies 
 Chair: Daniel Lee 
Keynote: Daniel Lee: Destination Earth Data Lake - Fueling Europe's Digital Twins
Lightning talk: Ag Stephens: Teaching Large Language Models to speak CF-NetCDF
Lightning talk: Jesús Fernández (virtual): Metadata requirements for high-resolution urban modelling
 10:30 - 11:00   Break    
 11:00 - 12:30   Interoperability and 
 cross format issues 
 Chair: Ethan Davis 
Keynote: Sebastién Villaume: Mapping between GRIB and CF-netCDF and ECMWF software development plans
Keynote: Martina Stockhause: CF in the context of developments in the Research Data Alliance (RDA): RDA recommendations and CF opportunities
Lightning talk: Guillermo Tesoro Calvo: NetCDF-Schema: A general schema for defining and validating netCDF products
Lightning talk: Ethan Davis: Zarr and GeoZarr
 12:30 - 14:00   Lunch    
 14:00 - 15:30   Cross-domain challenges 
 and opportunities 
 Chair: Ellie Fisher 
Keynote: Luke Marsden: CF from the perspective of new discipline
Keynote: Martin Juckes (virtual): Challenges in the Expanding Scope of the CMIP Data Request
Lightning talk: Heiko Gölzer: Use of CF in the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project (ISMIP)
 15:30 - 16:00   Break    
 16:00 - 17:30   Synthesis session   Chair: David Hassell 
   End of first part   

 CEST (UTC+2) 

Thursday, 19 September
  9:00 - 10   Overview of CF news and  
 introduction to hackathon sessions 
Lars Bärring: Practical information for Part II
Jonathan Gregory: Brief introduction to the CF Committees
Jonathan Gregory: Review of CF-1.11 and preview of CF-1.12
Jonathan Gregory: New Vocabulary and Discussions repos – discussions vs. issues
Ethan Davis: Brief introduction to the CF Governance Panel, and to the CF Information Management and Support Team
Ethan Davis: DOI for the website and the conventions document
Hackathon conveners: Brief introduction to hackathon themes
 10:00 - 12:30   Hackathon sessions including break 
See Google doc for Zoom link to use for each hackathon
Daniel Lee: "Good housekeeping": website & conventions text
David Hassell: HEALPix grids in CF
Guillermo Tesoro Calvo: NetCDF-Schema discussion
 12:30 - 14:00   Lunch    
 14:00 - 17:30   Hackathon sessions 
 including break 
See Google doc for Zoom link to use for each hackathon
David Hassell: CF roadmap/white paper

Dinner at 19:00 at The Knife! Place your order online by 13:30.

 CEST (UTC+2) 

Friday, 20 September
  9:30 - 12:30   Hackathon sessions
 including break 
See Google doc for Zoom link to use for each hackathon
Daniel Lee: BCP-14
Alison Pamment: Standard names
Sadie Bartholomew: visualisations for standard names data
Ag Stephens: To create a high-quality dataset of CF-NetCDF file headers - to be used to train Machine Learning models
 12:30 - 14:00   Lunch    
 14:00 - 15:00   Hackathon wrap-up    
 15:00 - 15:30   Workshop wrap-up, including setting a deadline for release of CF-1.12    

About the presenters (part 1):

(In order of appearance)

Hackathon topics (part 2)

The organising committee