Contributors to the CF Conventions
The following individuals have proposed enhancements or corrections of defects in the CF conventions, or participated substantially in discussions which led to agreement on changes being made, or which concluded in no change being made after detailed consideration.
They are listed here in recognition of their contribution to the development of the CF standard.
The affiliations are those that the contributors used at the time of their contribution and are included to identify them, rather than as current contact information.
- Ryan Abernathey, Columbia University
- Ben Adams, RPS group
- Dave Allured, NOAA/CIRES/University of Colorado
- Abel Aoun, EUMETSAT
- Sean Arms, SpectraLogic
- Balaji, NOAA and Princeton University
- Chris Barker, NOAA
- Andrew Barna, SIO/UCSD
- Lars Bärring, SMHI
- Sadie Bartholomew, NCAS and University of Reading
- Abby Benson, USGS
- Phil Bentley, UK Met Office
- Jim Biard, NOAA
- Leon Bilton, ANU
- David Blodgett, USGS
- Jon Blower, University of Reading
- Benno Blumenthal, Columbia University
- Philip Cameron-Smith, LLNL
- John Caron, Unidata
- Guilherme Castelão, SIO/UCSD
- Antonio Cofiño, University of Cantabria
- Lorenzo Corgnati, CNR-ISMAR
- Ethan Davis, Unidata
- Cecelia DeLuca, NOAA
- Martin Desruisseaux, Geomatys
- Francisco Doblas-Reyes, ECMWF
- Bob Drach, PCMDI, LLNL
- Alan D. Snow, Corteva Agriscience
- Brian Eaton, NCAR
- Steve Emmerson, Unidata
- Jesus Fernandez, Universidad de Cantabria
- Nan Galbraith, WHOI
- Lucile Gaultier, OceanDataLab
- Beate Geyer, GKSS
- Øystein Godøy, NMI
- John Graybeal, Stanford University
- Jonathan Gregory, University of Reading and UK Met Office
- Tom Gross, NOAA
- Magnus Hagdorn, University of Edinburgh
- Steve Hankin, PMEL, NOAA
- David Hassell, NCAS and University of Reading
- Rosalyn Hatcher, NCAS and University of Reading
- Richard Hattersley, UK Met Office
- Mark Hedley, UK Met Office
- Angelika Heil, DKRZ
- Dan Hollis, UK Met Office
- Sylvain Herlédan, OceanDataLab
- Heinke Höck, DKRZ
- Gerrit Holl, Deutscher Wetterdienst
- Randy Horne, Excalibur Laboratories Inc
- Bert Jagers, Deltares
- Aleksandar Jelenak, HDF Group
- Steve Jones, University of Bergen
- Martin Juckes, NCAS
- Tobias Kölling, MPIM
- Dalton Kell, AER
- Jamie Kettleborough, UK Met Office
- Heiko Klein, NMI
- Luis Kornblueh, MPIM
- Peter Kuma, Stockholm University
- Thomas Lavergne, NMI
- Bryan Lawrence, NCAS and University of Reading
- Chris Little, UK Met Office
- Danny Lloyd, NCAS
- Roy Lowry, BODC
- Daniel Lee, EUMETSAT
- Joao Macedo, IPMA
- Ken Mankoff, NASA GISS
- Fernando Manzano, Puertos del Estado, Madrid
- Seth McGinnis, NCAR
- Kai Mühlbauer, University of Bonn
- Don Murray, Unidata
- Daniel Neumann, DKRZ
- Dan Nowacki, USGS
- Alison Pamment, CEDA
- Patrick Peglar, UK Met Office
- Jean-Yves Peterschmitt, LSCE-CEA-IPSL
- Alex Pletzer, Tech-X Corporation
- Greg Rappa, MIT
- Martin Raspaud, SMHI
- Russ Rew, Unidata
- Burkhardt Rockel, GKSS
- Martin Schultz, Jülich Supercomputing Centre
- Hauke Schulz, Danish Meteorological Institute
- Rich Signell, USGS
- Bob Simons, NOAA
- Maarten Sneep, KNMI
- Ag Stephens, BADC
- Anders Meier Soerensen, EUMETSAT
- Karl Taylor, PCMDI, LLNL
- Etienne Tourigny, INPE
- Patrick Van Laake, Independent data scientist
- Micah Wengren, NOAA
- Timothy Whiteaker, University of Texas
- John Wilkin, Rutgers University
- Charlie Zender, University of California, Irvine
- Klaus Zimmermann, SMHI